
Posts Tagged ‘cows’

It’s been miserably humid the last few days with thunderstorms in the afternoon that have simply made matters worse. So, in honor of all that humidity, I let Garrett break in his new diapers sans his onesie. The diaper Garrett is sporting in the picture is a cow print by Happy Heiny’s. It’s intended for his Gramma, who simply loves cows. Actually, LOVE is an understatement. When I browsed online in search of cloth diapers, it took me all but a minute to know I had to get these. For all I cared they could have been the old fashioned kind, with pins as fasteners. This was the one diaper I knew we were getting and for the record for all the wrong reasons, but then I did some homework on them and it turns out they are the 2nd most bought pocket diaper. So there, I wasn’t completely insane for just going by looks at first.
Garrett seems to love his diapers thus far, too and I must say I am smitten as well. I need to acquaint myself with a few basics in laundering and storing the used diapers, but other than that-we are ready for the change. Bryan included. I think that’s the most amazing part, is he is on board and not reluctantly. What more could a girl ask for?

I guess that’s what is so fascinating about cloth diapers, they have really come a long, long way. The options and choices are really endless. I’m very disappointed we don’t have more. We have 6 one size pockets and 2 diaper/cover things. More on those in another post. The diapers we purchased are simply adorable. Last night we tested the one in the picture. I’ll try to explain the concept of a pocket diaper, its that in essence- a pocket. The outer layer is water resistant and the inner (that touches baby’s skin) is a fleece material. Then there are inserts that go in between the two, hence the pocket. You can stuff these as full as you want, but two is probably all you really need and would want to do. To learn more on the different types of cloth diapers, go here. For a picture of the inside of a Happy Heiny pocket diaper, click here.

However, what I didn’t know when I got my diapers was that I had to wash the inserts to make them more absorbent. At least 3 times it said. So I did that, but I didn’t try them. It didn’t seem completely necessary, but the paper does say wash and dry. Go figure. Considering I didn’t dry the inserts as many times as I should have, I was surprised at the absorbency level of just one insert. We only stuffed the diaper with one of the inserts for the night and it lasted 8 hours before beginning to leak. That’s pretty good, I can’t imagine how long it would last with an extra insert.

Today, we tried two others (Baby Kangas and Haute), both one size also. Tonight, we are checking out the BumGenuis 3.0, (another one size) which is supposed to be all the rave! After that we have two more to try. I will be sure to post more on each of these later. I had originally intended for the post to be short and sweet. Ummm, yeah right.

For those of you unfamiliar with cloth diapering and wondering, a one size cloth diaper is a diaper that moves/grows in size with your child. Yep, that means Garrett stays in the same diapers until he’s potty trained or about 35 lbs. Whichever comes first…not too shabby, if ya ask me.
Stay tuned for more tomorrow…
And in sticking with the title, here’s some more ‘cow’ photos of Garrett from last week. Enjoy!

What a great baby.

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A man must have created this odd suctioning contraption! For no woman in their right mind would have created anything that looks so sightly. A woman would have at least created it hands free. I hear they do make a bra now specifically for a pump…which, I’m sure was invented by a woman!

So, the first time I tried the sucker on (no pun intended) I literally couldn’t stop laughing- I wasn’t for sure if it was the sight or sensation, either way it wasn’t one of joy.

Of course, now it seems commonplace. Heck, I can even do it in the front seat of my car in a full parking lot or in the backseat of a moving vehicle as cars pass by and neither phase me.

Although, it is a godsend, especially in light of my issues when Garrett was only 2 weeks old. I rather wish it wasn’t necessary. (For those of you who don’t know, I landed a staph UTI infection (MRSA) courteous of our hospital and their wonderful job delivering Garrett) Let me quickly elaborate: because of the infection, I was forced to take antibiotics for 9 days. The antibiotics I needed were too strong for Garrett since he was under a month old, which meant I had to PUMP and DUMP.

PUMPING and DUMPING is pure EVIL. Why, well because breast milk is liquid gold, especially when its coming out of your own boobs and especially when you have already established breastfeeding with your baby! At the time, I was miserable (read HORMONAL and very very Postpartum) I cried at the drop of a hat. So imagine the flood waters when I had to feed my baby formula and still had to pump and see my milk be p-p-p-p-ooooouuurrrreeeddd down the drain. I shutter now, even thinking about it.

Luckily, we both got through the ordeal, but not without a couple of minor issues. Because I needed antibiotics immediately, Garrett was abruptly removed from my breast and given a bottle. You can imagine how upset he was, I’m positive he sensed how insanely distraught his mommy was given the situation too. After the antibiotics ran their course, I resumed breastfeeding- however, being so eager to get back to my baby, we didn’t ween him off the formula. This inevitably lead to another week of painful poo (we wrecked havoc on the poor little guy’s stomach). What’s more, Garrett was afraid that he might loss the boob again and became a CLING-ON. Therefore, week 3-6 of his life were very very emotional and dungeon-ness. He refused to be anywhere but at my breast or he screamed bloody murder. He has finally let go of this tendency but still requires the ‘NINNY’ in order to go to sleep. (NINNY a.k.a. BOOB)

Now as you can imagine, pumping really annoys me. Because although, it did help me keep my supply…it did dwindle some too. Pumping and dumping was hard to do while trying to feed him at the same time or at least in the same intervals, all while Bryan was working 14 hour days and no one was around! I’m not throwing a pity party over here, I’m just saying it was out of the ordinary and difficult given the circumstances.

The point to my blog, wasn’t about going into my ordeal, but rather to explain the irritating device and the upkeep of keeping it clean and having to deal with bottles. I really can’t stand it. When all I really need to do, is give my boy the ninny and life is good. Ahh, if only it were that easy. Since I am working again, I have to pump about twice a day to keep up my supply and some days I’m lazy because its a pain in the A@# to haul the contraption to work and stop what I am doing and go to the vehicle and pump in 100 degree weather! (It usually takes 40 minutes, just because I have to cool the car down first or I’m sweating like a pig!) And that’s what drives me crazy, I could be home and not going to all this trouble, I could be feeding him myself and then I remember all the different reasons I am pumping and I realize this is what being a mother is.

I guess it could be worse and I could be pumping as I work. Poor cows.

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