
Posts Tagged ‘Myrtle Beach’

Bikers that is.

Every autumn and every spring, Myrtle Beach falls prey to an influx of motorcycles. Three weeks long at three different times they arrive. One by one. On trailers and with RV’s. Not just a few- but, rather what appears to be thousands. They are everywhere and they are extremely loud. They wreck, they get drunk, they even die. In our quaint little beach town. Now, I have nothing against bikers, in general unless you count the traffic jams, the inability to leave windows down in the car at anytime of the day and listening to bikes through your front and back doors…around the clock for 4 straight nights. 

The 3 festivals of bike rallies here are horrible. So horrible that local ordinances are being tested as I type, with various strategies and regulations in the works to prevent their ‘free for all’ in our lovely little beach communities. I don’t mind that they are here- I mean it does bring in revenue and like I said I have nothing against the ‘husky smoking long haired -cut in front of me- bandana wearing leather pushers’ that arrive twice a year. Unless you count, the motorcycle that almost hit me as I was driving my newborn home one afternoon and he was crying hysterically at their LOUD A$$ motorcycles. Nor, do I have any beef for the ‘big black booty on the back of bikes’, either. (Try saying that one three times in a row!) But, I could do without seeing a thong and nothing else RIGHT in my face as I sit waiting for the light to turn green. Anyway, point is- they are welcome here.

Yet, with that welcome is the need to respect our communities and awknowledge that PEOPLE actually LIVE here with FAMILIES and believe that no matter what has been said, it isn’t a 24/7 brothal! Although, today I did ponder if it might be close to one. (Insert the AD on the radio for an ‘Amature’s Night’ at a local gentleman’s club for a free rack {=a.k.a. headlights, grill, boobs, breast} to the best dancer.) Yah, so very stylish and ever so sophisticated is my current residence.

Naturally, when I hear these things I wonder many times a week why we still live here.

See, and that’s the thing- that part of Myrtle Beach is secluded to say the least. Hidden, along with a sleu of other places I hope Garrett never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, sees. (And yes, that was me that frequented the bars lining Broadway- once coined by a friend as the ‘Red Light District’ of the U.S. many, many months ago. Ages actually. But, we will not go there.)

Let’s be honest though, I know he will ‘see’ these things, these places- despite my attempts to shun him from them. I only hope when he does see them they do not corrupt him and that he has enough moral character to resist their temptation or fascination.

In retrospect, I suppose this post is as much about my desire to find a place that is ‘family friendly’ for us to call home as it is about bikers invading the one we have now. I know they are here on vacation, but when they arrive they muddy the waters and make me rethink my sanity for living here.

I guess, I secretly hope these regulations will remind them that the person in the car beside them isn’t on vacation. Neither are they a stripper at a club to be gawked at from the sideview mirror. And that person you are staring at, has a baby in their car and the noise is infiltrating the glass bubble in which that baby lives and this mommy is simply NOT ready for YOU of all people to bust it. Because, we live here in this beautiful beach town unlike you, your bikes, the bandanas or the thongs.

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I love being in South Carolina on the 4th of July. The festivities always begin a few days early and continue for a couple more. The best part of living here on the 4th, has to be the fireworks. Although you have to have a permit for the really exciting fireworks, you can find them up and down the beach for miles and miles. Simply grab a blanket and take a seat and sit back and enjoy. This is definitely the life. We left the house at 7:30 for dinner at a local pizza joint, called Capricco’s and enjoyed a wonderful pie before heading for some firework action of our own. By 9:00, as the sun was finally setting far into the west, you could start to hear fireworks in every direction. Once we got on the road, you could see them too.
I remember as a child driving through South Carolina on our way to our annual Florida vacation and stopping because we HAD to get fireworks. It was all my brother and I knew about the state of South Carolina. It was the place you bought really cool fireworks. We would bring them home and my stepfather would set them off on the 4th for us. They never lasted long enough. My brother always managed to keep his stink bombs for use weeks later. Those days really seem like ages ago. Who would of thunk it, I would be living with my own family in that ‘fireworks’ state!

Outside of Drunken Jack’s- where we met family friends from Marion, Greg and Pat Berry. We forgot to get any pictures with them!! Shame on us!

Cooling off in the shade, after walking on the Marsh Walk at Murrells Inlet, we missed the Boat Parade, but Garrett still showed off that he was a boat fan!

Yes, that’s Bryan and Garrett on the beach during fireworks. Don’t ask, we only stayed for about 15 minutes and Garrett’s ears were covered the ENTIRE time, except maybe in this picture…eeek.

This year was a great experience, not very eventful but it definitely was a learning process- that planning and participating in holidays is a major process with a child. We had fun being together as a family! All three of us were worn out by the end of the night and ready for some R & R. We even slept in this morning for the first time in a long time!!

One of Garrett’s many faces as I tried to captured a ‘birthday’ smile!

Side notes:

  • Garrett turned 3 months today!! YAH! Unfortunately, he has had a horrible teething day. More on that tomorrow.
  • My brother is safely back in the U.S. from his Bolivia trip and I am excited to share some pictures as soon as he sends them my way!

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